Recent Updates
- Support downloading Walmart Seller Fulfilled Listing Sheet
- Support generating MSKUs for Walmart items when adding items to the buylist
- Support editing MSKU on Walmart buylist items
Prep & Ship
- Support
, and$condition
MSKU template variables
Purchase Order
- Support using the MSKU template from Prep & Ship settings to automatically generate MSKUs via Import Spreadsheet
Expirations Report
- Update to support new Fulfillment Inbound API
Prep & Ship
- Fix issue of creating shipment plans periodically get stuck and not progress to Step 2
- Automatically calculate total shipping value for LTL shipments when generating transportation options. Requires the "Price in Boxt" role
- Fix bug when printing box labels while copying boxes doesn't always print the correct box number on labels
- Support batch item tags on items in Pack step
Prep & Ship
- Support regenerating transportation options if none are confirmed
Prep & Ship
- Improve and reliability of MSKU creation
- Send condition notes when creating or updating listings
- Add Total, packed, and unpacked units for each pack group/shipment in Pack step
- Download Pack List includes all items even when searching / filtering
- Don't rotate DHL box labels
- Show progress when uploading pack list
Inventory Performance
- Identify MFN items more accurately
Inventory Sources, Suppliers, and Ship From Addresses
- Support Italy
Prep & Ship
- Add total box weight in Tracking Details step
- Add total box weight (if applicable) and total units of each shipment to each placement option
Prep & Ship
- Add total packed units to each box
- Show listing suppressed issues more prominently
Prep & Ship
- Automatically set the shipment name to the batch name when confirming a placement option
- Support updating a shipment name
- Add search filter to Pack step
- Add setting in Pack step to automatically download pack lists when comfirming boxes
Prep & Ship
- New Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM) listing! Create MSKUs, set quantity, and price.
- Add batch fulfillment channel filter
- Fix matching ASIN to parent ASIN when importing from spreadsheet
- Add option to sort batch items by "Updated"
- Allow updating box weight when adjusting quantities
- Sundown FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant) Listing
Prep & Ship
- Prevent box menu from getting getting cut off
- Add box menu option to pack all unpacked items into the box
Prep & Ship
- Allow packing the remaining quantity of an item into either the last box or selected box
Prep & Ship
- Support moving non-PO batch items
- Add copying PO batch items to a non-PO batch
- Add Packed/Unpacked filter in Pack step
Prep & Ship
- Default new batches to pack-first flow
- Print box labels for each shipment in Pack step instead of across all shipments
- Sort most recently packed item to the top when scanning to pack
Prep & Ship
- Ensure label and prep owner are set on batch load
- Display shipment ID per shipment in Pack step when applicable and Confirm Shipping/Confirm Transportation step
- Add "Print item labels when packing" setting to quick settings in Pack step
Prep & Ship
- Display pallets in correct order
- Display boxes in correct order in Tracking Details step